Engineering geodesy
- surveying the area of interest and creating a map background for the design activity
- demarcation of buildings with spatial composition (bridge structures, multifunctional buildings, other building and monolithic structures - detailed delineation)
- laying out small buildings
- laying out of line constructions (engineering networks)
- realization orientation of the real state (buildings, networks,…)
- realization orientation and elaboration of elaboration for digital map of town
- building stakeout networks
- control measurements before, during and after completion of construction works (control of building, bridge structures, vertical control…)
- drawing out stakeout drawings
- purpose mapping (basic map of the plant, basic map of the city, pre-realization)
- creation of digital terrain models
- 3D scanning
Price list
When pricing geodetic works we use recommended prices Chambers of surveyors and cartographers, of which we are members. Since each case is specific (location, scope, difficulty of focus), we determine the prices of the work individually. For works requiring documents from the Land Register we also charge fees according to the price list of administrative fees.